Form B – Psychoanalyst Qualification Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Enter Candidate Name *FirstLastThe above-named candidate has provided your name as their personal psychoanalyst and has authorized TBIPS to contact you to verify the following information. Please complete the form below.Analyst Name *FirstLastAnalyst PhoneAnalyst Email *Date Treatment BeganSessions Per WeekPSYCHOANALYTIC AFFILIATIONS OF ANALYSTName and Address of Training Institute and Date of Graduation:Courses Taught, Committees Served On, and/or Publications:Years of Experience as a Practicing Psychoanalyst:ATTESTATION *By checking this box I attest that all the information provided in this form is true and verifiable, and that I am the person identified as the analyst of the candidate. I understand that any false representation of my identity or qualifications in this application can disqualify the candidate for consideration for training by TBIPS.Submit